BOSTON! the city.
I have been posting all of my photos in my other blog on wordpress, because its my more personal blog and the photos aren't really "professional" all the time, just about my trip and my experiences up here. I have posted TONs of photos as well.
but I thought I'd post some things to give you guys a taste of Boston and what not.
I have taken probably at least 6 gigs of photos or something.
I also have gotten to shoot some in the studio here (days on which they work on post work, I get to shoot in the studio and use whatever I want and work on my own photos/read photoshop books and practice! Its killer!) and have shot tons of the city. (( I will be posting in a different post - my stuff from the studio to some extent) I have tons of shots of strawberries with a macro lens of John's (my photographer) with daylight and fill... I'm stoked! ))
and snow!
all kinds of different things
but I'm going to post photos from when I got here to now.. all sorts of things.

these following shots were shots from the first weekend I was there... walking to newbury st. - shopping central! its only a few blocks away - about a 20 mintue walk and it was lovely out. chilly but lovely..

SNOW! It snowed 8 inches almost 2 weeks ago now I think...

I shot this outside on the porch of my aunts apartment... and I used this really awesome "lomo" action I downloaded that makes your photos look cross-processed/ like you used a lomo camera.. I really like it but it only makes certian images look really cool - it doesn't just work on EVERYTHING. but anyhow.
*INTERNSHIP!*... the reason I'm in Boston in the first place. haha

I didn't do TOO much editing on these, just levels and saturation adjustments really. nothing crazy.
BUT I have been learning A TON about photoshop and loving it. There are so many ways to do the same thing in photoshop, its riduclous!
I have read a few books they have up here and have been walking John and Steve do post work... I have been learning a ton about different tools and how to do things I kind of already know how to do - better in photoshop.
Its a great internship - the people are super nice and fun and I'm learing a ton and having great experiences.
<3 enjoy my photos and let me know what you all think!
I miss you all at school and I hope everyone else is enjoying their internship as well!
So Happy things are going well in Boston are you thinking of staying there??
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