Lifestyles computer
these shots are from client #4 for photo illustration.. the assignment was to shoot a lifestyles computer shot. Its mainly to shoot for stock photography...
the shot needed to show a sense of time, place and a relationship between the people in the photo(needed to have 2 or more people in the photo)...and was best if it showed the computer screen as well..
I don't think this is one of my better assignments that I've shot, but I didn't think as much as I should have.. I should have shot from more angles and thought more about shutter speed..
I'm decently happy with these - I photoshopped them slightly. I did some levels adjustments, selective color and a bit of masking with selective focus..
but not anything MASSIVE. So I'm pretty happy with them.. I know I can always do better though.

the one above was shot @ 1/100s @ f/5.. at 24mm with a D100 with a 24-85mm lens. outside.. all natural light.

The models in these shots were - Dustin Overcash, Kirk Overcash and Cecil Overcash. (*thank you! =] )
we had to have 5-10 shots total to turn in, I turned in 7.
I know I could have done a lot better with this assignment if given it again, but It wasn't as inspiring as other assignments that we have had.
let me know what you think =]
Labels: apple, computer, family, lifestyles, lifestyles computer, Mac, macintosh, outside, powerbook
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