photographer inspiration
I shot these last night in the studio. what i shot was an assignment for james about being inspired by a photographer.."this assignment is to really explore what it is about this photographer that inspires you, and create an image of your own in honor of their style."(from his class blog) - I chose Lisa Adams. She is a photographer in charlotte. Here is her website.
I really wanted to do an internship with her but she doesn't really take interns.. so. anyhow.
She is well rounded, bold and sharp. She has some period work and then clean, modern, colorful work. She is great all around. there is something, or everything that i just like about her work. its weird.. when I was shooing I felt like I was just shooting for myself, for fun- not for an assignment, so I say she inspired me to do well and enjoy it. It was nice.
I honored her style by using a colortheme thru out the photo, I've noticed that she tends to do that - have a lot of same colors/tones in a photo. I liked doing that and I don't know why I haven't before because I almost always corrdinate my clothing. I'm excited.
I like what came out of that shoot alot.. and that feels good because it seems like that hasn't been happening to me lately. what makes me feel really good is that I won't have to do a ton of post work on these because they are how I want them straight out of the camera for the most part - which ROCKS! (that hasn't really happened in a while.)
anyhow! here are two photos. (these ARE NOT two of my FAVORITES.. I want to save my favorite blueberries shot for my actually assignment, its better than the one below.)

These two photos were shot on a light table in the studio, with 2 broncolor softboxes.
Camera: D100
Lens: 24-85mm macro lens.
Exposures: - for blueberries= f/18 @ 1/80s(white balence was at fluorescent to get that slight blue tint!), For oranges=f/20 @ 1/80s
ISO: 250.
these haven't been real edited in PS, slight spotting and some color balence. that is all. =]
I miss film sometimes.
let me know what you think <3>
Labels: blue, blueberries, dishes, lisa adams, orange, oranges, white background
I was really excited to see your blueberry shot! I loved how instead of taking just something really obvious that the photographer did you really looked into it. (how you picked up that she used the same color background as her subject)!! also, the water droplets really add to it! one thing you might want to remeber in the future is to pick out only the best looking blueberries, or whatever you're shooting! (but I'm sure you already knewe that!) :) great job!!!
I was really excited to see your blueberry shot! I loved how instead of taking just something really obvious that the photographer did you really looked into it. (how you picked up that she used the same color background as her subject)!! also, the water droplets really add to it! one thing you might want to remeber in the future is to pick out only the best looking blueberries, or whatever you're shooting! (but I'm sure you already knewe that!) :) great job!!!
I was really excited to see your blueberry shot! I loved how instead of taking just something really obvious that the photographer did you really looked into it. (how you picked up that she used the same color background as her subject)!! also, the water droplets really add to it! one thing you might want to remeber in the future is to pick out only the best looking blueberries, or whatever you're shooting! (but I'm sure you already knewe that!) :) great job!!!
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