Client 2 - headshots
*Character study portrait*
these shots were for our client #2 assignment for chuck.. we had to have a stark white background and the model had to be from belly button up. (at the lowest) it could have been closer in or not. the model had to be recognizable.
We had to shoot it on medium format transparency film and scan it in - and put it on the server. I ended up scanning in 13! It takes me a while to really decide.
These are the two I couldn't decide between and ended up turning in both of these, but ended up using the one without the glasses for my final single image for the assignment.

I did minor photoshop adjustments to them, the bottom one with the glasses I did some retouching on the right eye glass to take out the soft box. I really liked that one because of the can-did expression. ( so i wasn't really shooting to reduce the glare then) The first one is the one I ended up using because of his stare and how his eyes look. its almost like a drawing how well his eyes and shoulders line up in the frame. I am a fan of the subtle split light as well.
The model is a first year photostudent named Matt Bell. He has quite the amazing beard!
Let me know what you think of the photos! <3>
Labels: beard, head shots, matt bell, portraits, sunglasses, white background
I really loved looking at you head shots in class. Personally, My favorite is the first one, his eyes really draw you into the photograph. although the second one (with the glasses) myakes me laugh, this seems more like a photograph then a professional head shot. Great job using different poses!
I really like the first picture because of the guys facial expression. It goes more with the person.
Good job Mintonk. I really like the first photograph. I think you simply captured the attitude of this person. Good exposure and very clean. It would look good as a cover shot in a magazine.
The eyes are lit very well and the expression looks great. The only thing I would do different is to put a little more fill on his hair to gather the texture. The curly hair and the beard seems like a big part of his personality and they kind of get lost on the left side. Overall awesome!
I like the first picture because of the shape of the hair and the lighting of the face. This is a very dramatic picture that captures part of the personality of the subject.
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